Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Housing is Back!

Great news for the real estate market! The cards are in your favor if you're selling your home, according to CNN Money.

Six years after the pricing collapse, housing is on its way up. CNN Money has offered some insight and strategies for selling your home in this new market.
  • Lower your sights to make more money.
  • Trading up? Move fast. Downsizing? Go slow.
  • Smooth out your home's rough patches. Renovate before you sell.
  • Stage your home to bolster appearance.
  • Take professional photographs to increase your sale.
  • Guard against low appraisals.
  • Find a real estate agent that can help you market your home to investors.
Click here to read the details about these tips. The takeaway here is that housing is back and it's an exciting time for home sellers, home buyers and real estate agents!

*Photo via CNN Money

1 comment:

  1. The luxury property that my agent showed was lovely, good as new and well located. We hope that the deal turns in our favor! Although market trends there are indicating that the seller will be in more control.
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