Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Calling All Real Estate "Tweeters"

Do you fancy yourself a Twitter king or queen in your community? Then, Inman News has a new challenge for you!

Introducing #MadRESkillz from Inman News. Each time you make a quirky, insightful and/or out-of-this world real estate marketing Tweet, tag #MadRESkillz and Inman will determine if your post is worthy of its new weekly Twitter conversation taking place every Thursday.

Inman News will pick their favorite and most unusual top two posts and post them to their Facebook page each Friday. The winner will even get an interview featured on

Calling all tech-savvy and social media crazed real estate agents, this mission is geared for you!

To learn more about how you can participate click here.

*Image via Inman News


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